Editor Configuration
Examples available
Editor bootstrap and destroy
- Load the main editor script located at
- After the activator script was loaded, call
window['ClaspoEditor'].init(config, successCallback, errorCallback)
to bootstrap editor - When the user closes the editor, call
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'EDITOR_SCRIPTS_URL/activator.js';
script.onload = () => {
() => console.log("editor loaded"),
() => console.log("editor wasn't loaded"),
Editor instance methods
Name | Description |
init | Described below |
destroy | Cleans resources |
cancel | It acts as a click on the Cancel button in the editor |
save | It acts as a click on the Save button in the editor |
configProperty name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
containerElement | HTMLElement | string | Yes | HTML element or CSS selector where the editor is embedded. Editors takes full width and full height of the element. It’s important to set a size of the element before editor initialization. Editor calculates actual element size and based on that it will calculate the size of it’s blocks. | |
editorScriptsUrl | string | Yes |
| |
staticResourcesUrl | string | Yes |
| |
getWidgetDataCallback | See Appearance Management page | Yes | Loads initial data for editor | |
saveWidgetDataCallback | See Appearance Management page | Yes | The function is called when the user clicks the "Save" button. | |
api | See Images API page | Yes | The editor can request data at runtime. To do so, it calls the corresponding API method. | |
theme | See Theme page | No | Claspo theme | |
initialLoadErrorCallback | (httpResponseStatus: boolean) => void | No | This function will be called if any initial request, such as user info or appearance, fails. If the parameter is absent, the UI will show the default initial load error. | |
countryCode | string | No | When the user adds a | UA |
previewEnv | "DESKTOP" | "MOBILE" | No | Sets default env for viewport | "DESKTOP" |
logo | { imageUrl: string; link?: string;} | No | Adds logo in the top left corner | |
localePatch | { | No | Overrides translations of keys for the specified languages. Example: { | |
selectedAppearanceId | number (id) | No | After the editor initialization, the corresponding appearance can be shown instead of the origin one. | |
hideSaveOptionsMenu | boolean | No | Shows only the "Save" button instead of a menu with several options. | false |
closeEditorCallback | (variant: WidgetVariantI) => void | No | It's called when the user clicks the "Close" button. |
afterSavedCallback | (variant: WidgetVariantI) => void | No | It’s called after |
notificationHandlers | { | No |
| |
navigateToWidgetCallback | (widget: WidgetsListItemI) => void | No | It's called when the user clicks the "Open widget" button in "Action on click" > "Launch the widget". |
trackUserActivityCallback | (key: string, params: string) => void | No | Allows user activity tracking | |
showChatMessageCallback | (message: string) => void | No | Currently, it is used in the components panel to notify the integrator app that a message needs to be shown in support chat like Intercom. | |
actionOptions | { | No | “isDisplayingOpenLinkNewTabSwitch” shows “Open in a new tab” option in “Open link” action | { |
analyticsNotificationsEnabled | boolean | No | Shows
| true |
Updated about 1 month ago